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Here, under sale and delivery, you can find all the necessary information when you shop with Danish Rotation Plastic.

The conditions apply to all deliveries unless otherwise is agreed in writing. If you have further questions under sale and delivery, please feel free to
contact us.


Salgs- og leveringsbetingelser (version oktober 2015)

1 Introduction

1.1 The following conditions apply to all deliveries unless there is another written agreement.

2 Offers.

2.1 All offers must be in writing to be valid. In case of force-majeure, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone delivery.

3 Prices

3.1 All prices are list prices eg. works Kalvehave excl. VAT and we reserve the right to adjust these by rising commodity prices, oil and other costs.

3.2 Price lists are informative and current price will be stated on the order confirmation.

4 Force Majeure

4.1 Shipping or default of delivery can not be invoked against the seller, if it is directly or indirectly caused by circumstances that are beyond sælgenerens control such as strikes, lockouts and other forms of force majeure.

5 Payment

5.1 Payment terms for customer accounts are net 30 days from invoice date, unless otherwise is agreed in writing.

5.2 Payment terms for private customers, net cash - here reported DRP's account number and the customer pays the agreed price before collection / delivery of goods to / from DRP.

5.3 Form Tools are paid 50% when ordering and 50% when passing the test.

5.4 Interest shall be calculated from the date of invoice late charge.

5.5 If the buyer does not meet the payment conditions, or if we suspect that the seller/buyer is not able to meet the obligations, the seller can stop this and subsequent deliveries, unless the purchase price is paid in cash or adequate security is provided.

6 Delivery

6.1 All shipping is ex works, unless otherwise agreed. All shipping is at the buyer's risk and expense, unless otherwise is agreed in writing.

6.2 Seller reserves the right to over-/under-deliver by 10%. 

7 Cancellation

7.1 If order supplies or production purposes are launched, cancellation can not take place.

8. Complaints

8.1 Complaints must be in writing and submitted within 8 days from the date of delivery, stating the invoice number, order number, drawing number, order size, number of defective units and complaints,otherwise the buyer forfeits any claim against the seller in accordance to the sold goods.

8.2 Seller is not responsible for costs and expenses in connection with any claim without the prior written agreement of the seller. Without seller's prior authorization, the received goods can not be returned. 

9 Replacement

9.1 For products that are sold after being treated or processed by other than the seller, the seller represents only the item in the raw state.

9.2 The seller is responsible for the damage that the goods sold cause, if it can be shown that the damage is a result of an error made by the seller or his people.

9.3 Seller shall not be liable for any damage resulting from errors or omissions in drawings or instructions.

9.4 Drawings and designs are done in good faith, but the seller is not liable for errors resulting from this if it does not exist in writing from the vendor.

9.5 Seller shall also be responsible for damages caused during the calculation and advice when liability arises directly linked to the selling of products supplied.

9.6 Seller shall never be liable for loss of profits or consequential losses.

9.7 Seller's product liability can not exceed the seller's insurance coverage.

9.8 To the extent that the seller is held liable in connection with the use, as buyer's use of the goods sold - including resale - the buyer is obliged to inform the seller of the responsibility that this might be imposed to the extent that responsibility goes beyond agreed limits. The buyer is liable to be sued in the same court, which deals with claims against the seller in respect of the goods sold.

10 Form Tools

10.1 Shape tools remain DRP's property and maintained by DRP although these fully or partially paid by the customer, unless otherwise is agreed in writing.

10.2 Although the form-tools are fully or partially paid by the customer, they will not be required given or presented for use elsewhere because of the element of competition.

11 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

11.1 1 All agreements between DR and DRP's customers are subject to Danish law (with the exception of Danish Legal international private law; i.e. no renvoi).

11.2 Agreed jurisdiction for all disputes is the Court of Nykoebing.



Iversen Trading



Linatex A/S

Dansk Plastmontering A/S



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Here you will find a selection of kayaks.

Do you have questions about. which product best suits your needs, please contact us. Number is on the top left, or you can use our contact form. Then we will get back to you as soon as possible with answers to your inquiries.

Did you know that?

People were desperately seeking for a technique to produce large plastic items in a reasonably easy manner.

They made experiments with molding polyethylene granules in some primitive iron molds, which were warmed up and the result was thereafter.

One could not melt granules into finished tubs, but the possibilities were apparent.

Plastic Powder was the case, it could be seamlessly fused into finished products.

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Advantages of rotational molded plastic parts